Snapshots from the Fall

East September Morn

And a bit to the north beneath the big shoreline spruce.

So, the northside of the shoreline spruce.

and spin to the west, oops my shadow, and cabin front.

steppin' to the dock. "Careful, my beloved human," says the wee Havanese.

Low's the lake.  Prairie cleat.

Can we see through the ripples?  Lake so low. Nice 'n' clear though.

Colour even mid-Sept.

Nice around the fire by the  shore.

Neighbour to the North and...

neighbour to the south.

The woodshed depletes when the chills encroach.

Exterior wall art - from Eric via Big Woody Chegwin

more exterior art. Perfectly good cutting board over found shed.

That's more colour.  Sun is still pretty high.

A human relic from the earliest days of the cabin.

neighbour's drive.  more vast than ours.

testing panorama of the east, through Saeurkarut Point, from Ronn's deck.
Saeurkaut Point to Pickerel Bay

View East. The cabin is about 100 meters south of here.

Pretty High Up for a climbing dog.

Lots of room still.

cozy again.


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